OOCA is presented in EUROoCS-21

We are very proud to present the Organ-on-Chip Aragón initiative, during the 3rd annual EUROoCS meeting (1 and 2 July).

Ignacio Ochoa, from the University of Zaragoza, will explain how the initiative was created, the objectives and the partners involved. At the end of the sesión, it will be able to ask some questions.
The Organ-on-chip Aragón Initiative was born as a collaboration between six founding partners, from both public and private sectors: the University of Zaragoza, the Institute for Health Research Aragon, the Spanish National Research Council CSIC, AITIIP Technology Centre, Aragon Institute of Technology ITAINNOVA and the private company BEONCHIP.

Many thanks to the organization for bringing us this opportunity!!
Looking forward to meeting you there!!!
